Thursday, December 8, 2011

Weekly Newsletter

Hello parents and family members! We have had a very successful week and have been learning a lot of new material. In math, we are currently working on long division work problems, and there has been a lot accomplished. If you have noticed that you child is needing some extra practice, there are some good worksheets here. In Language Arts, we are starting to learn about character descriptions in our writing, and reading Crash by Jerry Spinelli to help us see strong characters in books. In Social studies we are learning about the indians in North Carolina and we are starting out biography project so get excited! 

* Biography project due on December 19th 
* Field trip to see The Nutcracker on December 15th
* Winter break is coming up!

Homework for the week:
Monday: Math - page 120 in workbook
              Social Studies - Pick person for biography
              Language Arts - Read chapter 3 in Crash

Tuesday: Math - page 184 in workbook
               Social Studies - Research for biography
               Language Arts - Crash response question

Wednesday: Math - page 73 in workbook
                    Social Studies - Research for biography
                    Language Arts - Read chapter 4 in Crash

Thursday: Math - Worksheet
                Social Studies - Rough draft for biography
                Language Arts - Crash response question
Friday: Have a great weekend, and keep working on your biography! Also read chapter 5 in Crash