Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If I Lived in Ancient Egypt...

I woke up this morning, and looked around my room to see my brother and sisters. We all had to get up to start our day. I am the oldest boy in the family, and the only one who goes to school. I am learning to be a scribe. In school all we do is learn how to write. We have to copy down hundreds of signs over and over again until we can do it correctly. It is really hard, and I do not like going. While I am at school, my dad works as a scribe, keeping records of crops for farmers. That is what I will do when I get out of school. Dad tells me that when I am older and become a professional scribe, I will be happy that I went to school and learned how to write. I don’t think that is true. Mom and my sisters cook and make sure that the house is clean. They also take care of my little brother. Sometimes I wish I could just stay at home. Dad works hard to get us money though and we have a nice house, and we always have food. Although I go to school all day long and have a mean teacher, I know it could be worse. 

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